“If you want your life to change, you have to change something you do daily.”


      This is the introduction of my new Blog series, The Daily Change.


      Being a full-time wedding photographer in my fourth year I have come to realise that in my job, not one week looks like the last, sometimes even not a single day looks like the other. My schedule is open for highest flexibility and while I like it that way, I have also realised that I need smaller structures on a day-to-day basis to create a good environment for myself. For some time the thought about structuring my own day has occupied my mind. Even if I work in a studio, I work as if I were self-employed on the organisation part of it. This means I can work when and wherever I like. This also means that motivation, timeline, client communication, goal setting, day structuring professional and private and the balance of it all is completely up to me.


      Having read and listend to so many creative entrepreneurs and coaches and brilliant people, having tried many things to help me be balanced and organised, I have come to realise that if I want my life to change, I have to change something I do on a daily basis. (and yes, I am pretty sure I am quoting someone here… but I could not find who, so forgive me 😉 )

      Sooo maybe you are self employed or a creative mind, maybe you are interested in leaning new things about productivity or motivation. For whatever reason you are here, I am glad that you are! To anybody who encouraged me online and offline: Thank you so much! It means the world!

       In this series I will share findings about my daily adjustments, my thoughts behind it, people who inspire me, how I facilitate creative thinking, books I read, social media consumption and more. And if only one person finds that helpful I am so glad!

      How about you? Are you thinking about daily structures? Are working on your own? What would be a topic you are interested in?

      Let me know below!

      Till next time,






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