Today is a splendid day!
First of all it is my birthday tomorrow and the festive preparations have started big times. I have planned a four course dinner with one course being tortilla chips. Anybody? Oh yes. And then the air finally started to smell like spring. Gah! How I love it.
This morning I have watched one of the squirrels digging up nuts again. This is also about the only thing I regret, when the leaves on the trees grow thicker. That the cheerful squirrel watching will be a whole lot harder than in winter. So far I have detected all the three of them. One occasionally climbs up the wall and rustles on the windowsill to my bedroom. Is there anything sweeter than a squirrel greeting you for the day? It certainly has the maiden in her secluded treehouse feels to it.
On a super duper happy note I will publish the after wedding shooting from Paris last fall very soon. And just to get you a bit in the mood here is a sneak peek from Anna & Chris at the river banks in the city of love.
Have a great new week dear souls!