If you have been following along you know that every now and then I get to shoot a wedding among friends. It is such an honour to be asked along & witness from up close. One of my favourite memories from last summer is the wedding of Andrea & David. They not only had an incredible dream day, are wonderful to be around and have a jaw-dropping gorgeous style… but we also happen to share a couple of friends.

      This way the party was even more fun than usual & I got to share a couple of goofy moments on my break. This way you are now able to see a few rare beind the scene images from a wedding day.La Rici Photography - BtS Würzi Wedding-10-2

      The ceremony took place in Würzburg, where I studied for a little bit. And on the side found the most incredible circle of friends. I feel so honoured to know them and learn from them. They are insanely talented and I know for sure my life is better for having them in it.

      La Rici Photography - BtS Würzi Wedding-7-2Gosh, these lovely ladies have my heart! You look wonderfulllll!!!

      And these chums are the reason I get home sick for many places…La Rici Photography - BtS Würzi Wedding-1

      And Daniel was applying for a position as my second shooter. Oh yes, if only we were still in the same city. 😉

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      And apparently as a model as well 😉

      Congratulation on getting engagend dear friend!!! So cannot wait for all the goodness ahead.

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      This guys is one incredible walking miracle! Being friends with him has surely changed my life for the better. Over sushi and morning café (not at the same time) we have dreamt, laughed, cried and challenged each other to go farther, dream bigger and hold out our arms a little wider. He has taught me so much. Sometimes I cannot believe the truth he speaks, my hands are small, but his voice is full of confidence. I crazy loved seeing his journey over the past years. The growth, struggle, change, more growth I was able to see in him. He is a world shaker. I am convinced of it. If you are in Würzburg next week, come and hear him speak!
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      I loved being able to hand the camera over and have some moments captured with me in it. So precious.La Rici Photography - BtS Würzi Wedding-26

      Practising a new facial expression… that awkward-lip-moment.

      However this happened.La Rici Photography - BtS Würzi Wedding-27La Rici Photography - BtS Würzi Wedding-28

      Hochzeit Weitersieht

      Schloss Weitersieht Foto

      And the two lovlies who made that day possible in the first place <3


      Thank you all for the sweet memory of a special day & for sharing life!

      Find their sweet day here.


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